Happy Lunar New Year

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Apologise for not posting for such a long time. Mummy is rather busy lately and I have to beg her for letting me to use the comp.

Let's see if I can recalled using my dog brain:

1) mummy is busy with her work though is only a temp job she is required to update certain schedules.
2) mummy is busy with buddy diet and also not forgetting the rest of us :)
3) mummy is busy reading book on nutrition and health for dogs.
4) mummy is also planning to leave for Chiang Mai to do volunteer work for 6 days in late May and I overheard she ask grandma to help look after us.

Today buddy and donut have their grooming. Auntie elydia commended that buddy seem to have put on some weight after shave down, he is not that bony compare to last time and while the two boys is having their grooming, mummy make me pose for photo wearing the new shirt that she brought for me last week..

Since we are all so good, mummy let us have abit of the bak kwa and it taste nice but too bad she said can only let us have abit only.

Lastly, we would like to wish all our doggie frens, human frens a Happy Rabbit Year ahead :)



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